Solo sirens

The Solo battery-backup outdoor sirens have been introduced 15 years ago, and have proven their reliability and excellent price/value ratio since then. Thanks to their fully weather-proof resin coated electronic board, they can be used in even in harsh environment.
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The Solo battery-backup outdoor sirens have been introduced 15 years ago, and have proven their reliability and excellent price/value ratio since then. Thanks to their fully weather-proof resin coated electronic board, they can be used in even in harsh environment.
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Parts and accessories

Solo tamperSolo IBS tamper
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Solo metal coverSolo IBS inner metal cover
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Solo loudspeakerSolo IBS loudspeaker 50W
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Solo bare bulbSolo IBS bare bulb 5W
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Solo plastic housingSolo IBS plastic housing
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Solo plastic prismSolo IBS prism
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Solo mounted bulbSolo IBS mounted bulb 5W
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Solo siren PCBSolo IBS PSB
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Solo power cableSolo IBS power cable (for battery)
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